
Saturday, March 27, 2010

"It's the Things That Are Most Different About Us..."

The postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent IBM's positions, strategies or opinions.

"...That Make Us Most Interesting."

I've quoted this sentiment here before; it's my friend Richard's, and I think it's true. Earlier this afternoon, I was viewing a documentary on a woman I met more than 20 years ago at a lesbian dance-bar. She was telling her story for a gay history project and it touched me. I knew none of it, other than that when we met, she was still married and confused about what to do next with her life. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've written about her somewhere in this blog before, too, but prior to having any of the insight I gained today from the video.

She was stunning -- also dark-haired and blue-eyed and Jewish, but a number of years older than I. We left the club together and got into her convertible sports-car. It was summertime and she put the top down, but we never left the parking lot. I half-listened to her talk about her confusion, and meanwhile, was thrilled to have met a gorgeous, Jewish, likely lesbian woman of any age and tried to kiss her in response. She rebuffed me and I got out of the car, figuring, oh, well, she'll figure it out somehow, but not with me, I guess. I went home lonely and never saw her again...until six years ago, when we were at the same GLBT community benefit and I recognized her.

She was visibly older, but still beautiful, and I re-introduced myself to her as someone she had met nearly 20 years ago for just a single evening, and referring to the now-closed dance-club. She seemed not to remember me at all, and I guess that's what it's like to be unforgettably beautiful; you don't remember everyone who remembers you...or maybe she was chagrined to be reminded of that time in her past, or both. Either way, she was cordial, but I excused myself quickly, as I felt suddenly embarrassed to have failed at re-connecting platonically, despite our both now being in much more solid, settled places in our lives.

Humanity as a Revelation

The formerly married lesbian's story reminded me of how difficult it was for me, sometimes, to see others' humanity, and to reveal mine. In the case of our initial meeting, I focused on two of her features exclusively -- her beauty and her Jewish identity -- and didn't want to think about the rest, i.e., that she was tortured about being married at the time and (as I learned from the documentary) had 20 years more of life experience than I, plus an oldest child who was just eight years younger than I.

The other night on Facebook, I posted a link to a CNN story on people who lose a parent(s) when young, and prefaced it with:
I lost my dad of blessed memory to cancer when I was 17. The survey's sponsor reminds me of the grief group I went to for high school kids who had lost a parent(s) in Hartsdale, NY. I was so grateful that my mom found it for me. I went every Wednesday night from December thru June of my senior year of high school.
I was surprised at two comments in response by Facebook friends I knew in high school and after college, who both said they had no idea I had lost my dad. The first respondent said that she had also lost her father at a young age, which I never knew, and the other one was a heterosexual guy trapped in a lesbian woman's curvy body when I knew him, which I did not know at the time.

Why didn't I know about my high school classmate's dead father when we were in high school? Why didn't I know about my then-lesbian friend's gender identity struggle when he was in the midst of it? Why didn't they know about my father's (z"l) death till the other night? All I can say is that this blog and how I live today are reparations to myself for having been so closed off, and maybe the pendulum has swung too far in the self-disclosing direction. Still, I feel that I have been making up for what I experienced as lost time, when I was so self-contained that no one knew much about me, other than that I was typically nice, was funny sometimes, and while in my early-twenties, was ultra-amorous.

Fortunately, I have lived long enough and matured sufficiently to see the humanity of my high-school classmate; my post-college friend; and the gorgeous, lesbian mother...and to try to show them more of mine.

My Blog's Three-year Anniversary

The postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent IBM's positions, strategies or opinions.

Becoming Less Religious, but Remaining Loosely Devoted

For the first couple of years, I averaged 15 blog-entries a month. From June-December, 2009, I averaged eight entries a month. I don't know how many I'll average in 2010, but I do know that this blog has been a good, intimate friend to me all along.

It's where I come to:

  • Figure out what I'm thinking
  • Learn what I'm feeling
  • Re-live experiences that felt poignant to me through writing about them
  • Write and self-publish.
Since discovering Twitter, I post tweets nearly daily and like having to practice brevity. A friendly colleague offered that Twitter can deplete my soul by shifting me from the more reflective blog arena to the necessarily superficial micro-blogosphere. Her warning scared me for awhile, but as I look at my tweets, I think she's only half-right. Yes, some of them are relatively mindless, but considered altogether, I think they make a mostly sweet collection of my personality. Here is a year's worth:

# I'm wearing spring colors and a winter-hat in honor of today's northern New Jersey weather. about 2 hours ago via web

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@roonoid You're making me nostalgic. I don't know where is the best challah in NYC, but as kids, we got a baby challah each Fri at school. about 17 hours ago via web in reply to roonoid

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Can I get it all done pre-Passover? Vacation begins at 3 pm on Monday, when we'll head to my sister's in Bklyn for the 1st seder meal. 12:40 PM Mar 26th via web

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Took a break to help my mom buy and set up a new microwave oven and to chat with a dear friend about her ill cat, but now, back to work. 10:21 PM Mar 25th via web

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Why did it not seem surreal for Pat to say she needed to finish plowing Cricket's fields before dinner when I just called during my commute? 7:51 PM Mar 24th via web

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Stack of pleasure/business reading piled on the table by near the TV. Wish I could be two places at the same time. I'll probably try.... 6:24 PM Mar 23rd via web

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@morraam In response to your inquiry, yesterday, I worked for more than 1 hour straight on a school paper whose deadline had snuck up on me. 6:33 PM Mar 22nd via web in reply to morraam

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@ChrisPirillo Susan B. Anthony said, "Failure is impossible." ( 6:31 PM Mar 22nd via web in reply to ChrisPirillo

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I'm over-stimulated: All at once, I want to read a blog entry & the paper associated w/it; call my mom; eat dinner; watch TV w/Pat; cat-pet. 6:29 PM Mar 22nd via web

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Just pressed send, including my 10-page paper. You're right, Frank, it's not at all like when we were kids, and Helen, don't blaspheme. 11:11 PM Mar 21st via web

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There's nothin' like realizing at 3 pm on Sun afternoon that you've got an 8-10-pg. paper due in ~48 hrs. -- the hazards of an online class. 9:08 PM Mar 21st via web

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@jessicahalem I wish we could teleport there. Pat & I met at Congregation Or Chadash and we'll celebrate our Chai (18th) anniversary, 7/10. 1:56 PM Mar 20th via web in reply to jessicahalem

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The pool's closed on Sat.; I rollerbladed in Jubilee Park instead. The sun, breeze, iPod & slaloming around people made it jubilee-ish. 1:44 PM Mar 20th via web

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Where is most of Asia?=>Global Audience Spends Two Hours More a Month on Social Networks than Last Year | Nielsen Wire 4:00 PM Mar 19th via

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@andypiper how lucky to have such an over-active brain! 3:56 PM Mar 19th via web in reply to andypiper

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@katebornstein Can't wait to read it as soon as it's published! 3:55 PM Mar 19th via web in reply to katebornstein

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@pixelq Is that in addition to an iPhone or instead? If instead, what made you choose it? 9:40 PM Mar 18th via web in reply to pixelq

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@subdigit I loved *The Hobbit*. Always, I prefer the book to the film version, though. I'm still afraid to see "Where the Wild Things Are." 9:34 PM Mar 18th via web in reply to subdigit

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Thinking about change and renewal, i.e., why I didn't renew my library book online and how much change I'll owe as a fine...pun-filled day. 5:40 PM Mar 18th via web

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@joandimicco I commented on your blog entry. I'm more and less inclusive with strangers when online. 10:49 PM Mar 17th via web in reply to joandimicco

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Also, thinking about my beloved nephew Zach, who turned 17 3 weeks ago. Here's wishing Zach the same & cont'd musicality & entrepreneurship. 8:13 PM Mar 17th via web

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I'm thinking about my beloved niece Zoe, who turned 17 today. Here's wishing Zoe a cont'd, graceful & confident stride into early adulthood. 8:11 PM Mar 17th via web

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We were powerless and we are powerful again....At least, we labor under that illusion; PSE&G restored our service this aft., post-storm. 6:53 PM Mar 16th via web

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My mom's visiting; her power went out in the storm. Driving to her home in CT today reminded me of the film, "The Ice Storm," minus the ice. 9:08 PM Mar 14th via web

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Re-activated StumbleUpon w/my Firefox browser update and as a result, learned of a really fun space; try it: 4:27 PM Mar 13th via web

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Watching Toonces give herself a cat-bath. She and her sisters are good kitties. Please, God, keep them from waking us prior to 6 am...again. 10:26 PM Mar 12th via web

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Revisiting 1983 via Brett Easton Ellis' film, "The Informers." Could he be as disaffected as his characters? I knew from none of this in '83 8:16 PM Mar 12th via web

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Who knew so many went to the Norwalk Walmart at night? After electrolyte H2O at Trader Joe's, my mom wanted pool-shoes and an extension cord 10:19 PM Mar 11th via web

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@twitteratti That's why you like leading ThinkPlace. 5:33 PM Mar 10th via web in reply to twitteratti

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Leaving the old IBM corporate HQ bldg in North Castle (now world HQ for IBM Global Financing). When first opened, this place was super-suave 5:32 PM Mar 10th via web

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Still need to send my assignment to my prof; prep breakfast and lunch to go for work tomorrow; and post this tweet. Facebook fun must wait. 9:07 PM Mar 9th via web

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Looking forward to seeing my friend Nancy locally; she works with me and also lives in Montclair. Nice to have the double connection. 6:06 PM Mar 8th via web

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@BharatBedi Read it and it made me nostalgic for when I was lucky to be the mgr. of a colleague based in Hursley, Anita Chaddah at the time. 6:39 PM Mar 7th via web in reply to BharatBedi

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@davidsinger oy! Did not know previously re: your work-news. Was referring to Talmud and Hebrew learning.Probably, a mashup would be optimal 6:36 PM Mar 7th via web in reply to davidsinger

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@BharatBedi Congratulations on the good press. I looked in the NY Times and then realized you must have meant the London version. URL pls? 12:08 PM Mar 7th via web

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@davidsinger Getting to see you incorporate some of this morning's learning into your improv this eve would be especially entertaining to me 12:04 PM Mar 7th via web in reply to davidsinger

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Worried that giant versions of Phoebe and Toonces are imperiled ( 12:03 PM Mar 7th via web

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@Macker Isn't that a great attribute of a leader as well? 12:00 PM Mar 7th via web in reply to Macker

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"What kind of class makes you cry?" Pat asked upon learning that I did at today's. Cultural Intelligence can be intense. I'm glad I did. 9:06 PM Mar 6th via web

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@indvstrial Congratulations, and also, thanks for the pix from the other night in Second Life. Too bad I left before the fireworks display. 10:36 PM Mar 5th via web in reply to indvstrial

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Realizing that my book collection at has books in common most of all with GLBT university libraries. 10:24 PM Mar 5th via web

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@indvstrial How do you like Viewer2? I like it a lot! 7:14 PM Mar 4th via web in reply to indvstrial

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After fashioning a formal dress for my Second Life avatar over lunch, Pebbles' "Mercedes Boy" would not leave my head. Strange times. 6:33 PM Mar 4th via web

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While swimming recently, I was struck that another reason I like it so much is that it's like what flying would be like, if I could fly. 9:08 PM Mar 3rd via web

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@CosmicEvolution Reading your tweets keeps me young. Your work seems to relate to everything I loved as a kid: dinosaurs; space; geology.... 8:46 PM Mar 3rd via web in reply to CosmicEvolution

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I love Bill Withers' "Grandma's Hands" and others of his songs, and this is a good article on "Still Bill" ( 9:15 PM Mar 2nd via web

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Happy that Toonces is fine and coming to after dental-work. We'll swim, then pick her up and re-unite her with her feline sister Phoebe. 5:07 PM Mar 2nd via web

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Praying that our cat Toonces comes through the anesthesia for her teeth-cleaning without incident. We should hear from the vet later. 1:01 PM Mar 2nd via web

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Mazel tov/Congratulations to all of my Canadian friends. Esther, l'chaim! 5:54 PM Feb 28th via web

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@blm849 I get it. Good luck! 5:36 PM Feb 28th via web in reply to blm849

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@blm849 This is a wild situation! High suspense for ultimate Hockey victory! 5:31 PM Feb 28th via web in reply to blm849

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Resting and reading after swimming and eating. 11:46 AM Feb 28th via web

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Feeling good that several Greater-Montclair friends came over this a.m. & looking forward to my haircut and to my mom later. Now, studying. 11:12 AM Feb 27th via web

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We watched "Tell No One" -- French with subtitles and I don't speak French, so no Twitter or Facebook in parallel. What a suspenseful film! 11:15 PM Feb 26th via web

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@blm849 I've been thinking of you and my other Canadian friends so much lately. 10:15 PM Feb 25th via web in reply to blm849

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@roonoid Good. The olives won't spoil! 10:14 PM Feb 25th via web in reply to roonoid

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@andypiper Never mind. Found it. Great comments from our colleagues. 1:44 PM Feb 25th via web in reply to andypiper

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@SilviaEmilia - "Fly" is now under "Move" near the place in the viewer where "Fly" used to be, and simply shows a picture of someone flying. 1:14 PM Feb 25th via web

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#SLViewer2 - SL=now more approachable, since it uses familiar Web UI. Move threw me; wondered where Fly went, but that's my only criticism. 12:39 PM Feb 25th via web

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@andypiper Tell me more. What's the internal URL? And congrats. 12:30 PM Feb 25th via web in reply to andypiper

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Removed a 0-35 memoir from a drawer, where it's been since 2000. Wonder who else has a similar work, & how to write about the last 10 yrs. 10:48 PM Feb 24th via web

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@joandimicco I'm a GenXer, which is typically 33. I scored 47, but to have qualified, I should have scored 70. Need to get tattoos! 9:34 PM Feb 24th via web in reply to joandimicco

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Watching "The Hurt Locker." I think of myself as brave, but don't think of myself as brave like soldier-brave. 10:48 PM Feb 23rd via web

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Wishing toes weren't so cold in their wool socks and dress-shoes. Now, to drive home from Armonk; AP-friendly LotusLive hospitality is done. 10:44 PM Feb 22nd via web

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Thinking about war as the consequence of cultural ignorance. 6:44 PM Feb 21st via web

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Looking forward to taking a long walk in the sunshine shortly, with a long-time friend. 12:20 PM Feb 20th via web

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Watching "A Serious Man." It's the first time I've heard Yiddish in a feature film since "Fiddler on the Roof." "Mad Men" meets "Fiddler..." 8:39 PM Feb 19th via web

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Amazed that the top female snowboarder's first name is Torah. 10:36 PM Feb 18th via web

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All-day, face-to-face, off-site meeting. How retro! Now, a brief Olympics interlude over dinner and then must catch up on online work. Tired 9:04 PM Feb 17th via web

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Going swimming to help my mood float. Sad/happy that Heather's human mother claimed her thanks to Heather's microchip. 5:57 PM Feb 16th via web

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Pat and I can't get little Heather, the bulldog, out of our minds. The animal shelter was closed for Presidents Day today, fortunately? 9:50 PM Feb 15th via web

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Pat took me to "Time Stands Still" w/Laura Linney and asked her to take a pic. w/me @ the stage-door and she did! She's my favorite actress. 8:59 PM Feb 14th via web

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Pat rescued a bulldog wandering up Alexander; we named her Heather during the 10-minute car-ride to the pound. Sad to see her go. 3:46 PM Feb 13th via web

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@carr2n Stop tweeting while skiing and you'll probably have a better chance at keeping up with the herd. 3:43 PM Feb 13th via web in reply to carr2n

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So stylish, fun, artful, imaginative, classic, accesible, human -- opening ceremonies in Vancouver. Chuck, what's it like to be there live? 11:03 PM Feb 12th via web

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Looking forward to taking my mom out for a meal in Stamford. 3:41 PM Feb 12th via web

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@epc ...or to some survey you wanted responses to...maybe my memory's failing me. 4:07 PM Feb 11th via web in reply to epc

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@epc I think I was your respondent. 4:06 PM Feb 11th via web in reply to epc

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Looking forward to celebrating my friend at her retirement party this eve. Hope the roads to Mt. Kisco are reasonably clear by now. 4:05 PM Feb 11th via web

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I am filled with love as I watch Pat do a second round of snow-commanding on our driveway; she's a mighty artist. 4:20 PM Feb 10th via web

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The chorus of this song ( kept playing in my head while I swam this a.m. Wonder why. 9:24 AM Feb 9th via web

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People prefer sharing awe-inspiring, positive news, according to this research: because we seek "emotional communion." 9:29 PM Feb 8th via TimesPeople

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@blm849 I have Gaultier sweatpants that I got 6 yrs ago; they're my "cat-pants," since they're made of thick jersey. Not Target-priced, tho. 9:22 PM Feb 8th via web in reply to blm849

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Oy! The tool failed us. Captured only 30 a time, apparently, so when we cut&pasted, half of the chat was missing! What a shame. 9:18 PM Feb 8th via web

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Hoping the virtual chat tool my classmates and I'll use at 8 pm (ET) actually works. So far, not having luck with getting it to record. 6:40 PM Feb 8th via web

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What I'm doing for love: Pat requires watchig till the MVP et al is announced. She even downloaded the games when we lived in Bangalore. 9:58 PM Feb 7th via web

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Where's the Gatorade? 9:45 PM Feb 7th via web

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@blm849 Was the same weather here in NJ today. Post-swimming, I said to Pat, "This would be the *perfect* skiing-day. 5:43 PM Feb 7th via web in reply to blm849

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Winter Wonder Brand - -- Thought of Canadian friends while reading; social responsibility and fun seem di rigueur. 4:55 PM Feb 7th via TimesPeople

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Studying adult learning theory; multicultural minds; swimming; more studying. 9:07 AM Feb 7th via web

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Indulged myself by blogging for most of the day. Didn't realize how much I missed quality time with it. Now, joining Pat for the evening. 7:28 PM Feb 6th via web

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@elsua Which experiment were you doing that made you misstate your birthday on Facebook? 4:44 PM Feb 5th via web in reply to elsua

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Today, swimming was like time-traveling; they had pumped in some fresh H20, so there were icy pockets, reminding me of childhood locales. 4:35 PM Feb 5th via web

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@kkeeter - Happy to spot you in the first 30 min. so far of "Frontline" episode. Concurrently, we're tweeting and checking Facebook(!) 9:25 PM Feb 4th via web

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Feeling survivor's guilt. I wish to whine about extra work needed from me tonight; then I recall the state of our economy & feel sheepish. 7:08 PM Feb 4th via web

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My Twitter account is worth $43! I guess 'cause ranked #48778 out of 145887. What's yours worth? 4:35 PM Feb 3rd via web

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@kkeeter We taped it. I've gotta watch it later. Mazel tov on the coverage. 8:51 PM Feb 2nd via web in reply to kkeeter

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@blm849 What makes you feel "surprisingly upbeat?" 8:51 PM Feb 2nd via web in reply to blm849

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@pixelq Cool re: "Frontline." We taped it. I've never known a celebrity-robot before. 8:44 PM Feb 2nd via web in reply to pixelq

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@fjania Now that probably was an interesting dinner-conversation. 8:42 PM Feb 2nd via web in reply to fjania

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Being buffeted by my second work-wind; I'm not a speech-writer, but am playing one. Does one have to have a split-personality to do it well? 8:42 PM Feb 2nd via web

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Am replaying my great dinner-conversation w/Global Leadership scholar, Dr. Schon Beechler. So cool to find a kindred spirit to learn from. 10:13 PM Feb 1st via web

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Pretended I was back in Bangalore over lunch in Jersey City w/my sister, bro-in-law & nephew; wished they could have visited us in 2007. 6:20 PM Jan 31st via web

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We're watching "Fame." Our niece Zoe goes to LaGuardia Arts, the school it's based on. I wish the movie were as poignant as the TV show was. 9:41 PM Jan 30th via web

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Committing publicly to read from now till dinner later this evening. With a quarter of the Master's left, I'm less zealous than I used to be 4:49 PM Jan 30th via web

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Glad our power's back. Returned from a half-day meeting in NYC to finish the work-day from home (14 miles away) & the power died for 2+ hrs. 6:34 PM Jan 29th via web

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Looking forward to meeting my friend Clay in Hawthorne for our quarterly catch-up dinner. 6:01 PM Jan 28th via web

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Wondering the purpose served by aggressive shyness. 8:51 PM Jan 27th via web

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@asivunen ...and that's my answer even after reading the blog-entry you linked to...though I agree w/him that I'd love more people to tweet. 7:10 PM Jan 26th via web in reply to asivunen

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@asivunen Facebook beats Twitter & LinkedIn imho due to its "guilty pleasure" factor. I feel grown-up on LinkedIn/too clever when tweeting. 7:08 PM Jan 26th via web in reply to asivunen

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@susanorlean What if Apple uses its announcement to solve healthcare? 7:03 PM Jan 26th via web in reply to susanorlean

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Panel-planning, plannel-panning, panel-pandering, Pandora's box...? 7:00 PM Jan 26th via web

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@fjania What inspired you to remind people of important writing? Or of writing something important? 9:14 PM Jan 25th via web in reply to fjania

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Drove thru the scary rainstorm from NJ to Armonk to celebrate a colleague who's retiring. Couldn't miss it. Hoping for a better drive home. 5:22 PM Jan 25th via web

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@SilviaEmilia During my first trip to India in 2005, I watched MTV while exercising & was entranced by the parallel universe of Indian MTV. 5:02 PM Jan 24th via web in reply to SilviaEmilia

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@aaronjuliuskim Yeah, I cut and pasted my geocities content just in time. That was definitely a proto-blog. 4:59 PM Jan 24th via web in reply to aaronjuliuskim

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The pool was 2 degrees colder than usual. Looking out at the winter sky, I feel heroic for having swum (even though it was indoors). 11:40 AM Jan 24th via web

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Am reminded of the amazing of Haitian art from when I worked in the River North gallery district in the '80s. 9:28 PM Jan 22nd via web

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Dinner at the Falafel Hut, the menu of which promises, "...heaven really does exist." 6:00 PM Jan 22nd via web

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During my next meeting, hoping to discover further secrets to measuring social computing value. 11:01 AM Jan 22nd via web

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Still incredulous that I forgot my laptop at home today. Have forgotten my power-cord before, but....Keeps me humble, I guess. 7:52 PM Jan 21st via web

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Looking forward to "The New Yorker" pre-sleep. 10:08 PM Jan 20th via web

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Talking w/a colleague in Australia -- so refreshing to talk with anyone in AP at a sane hour. 5:16 PM Jan 19th via web

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Enjoying my kitty-couch role. Just wish they would let me serve as a two-seater. 10:19 PM Jan 18th via web

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Hoping I gain extra cultural intelligence by taking a course on it this semester. The syllabus just became available this afternoon. 5:06 PM Jan 17th via web

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Relishing February 2010: Lisa Robinson on Disco Entertainment & Culture: 9:51 PM Jan 16th via web

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Wondering if I have episcleritis in my right eye. Anyone have any experience with it? If so, how long did it last? 9:15 PM Jan 15th via web

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@Macker I wondered the same thing -- whatever a Sprint snowglobe is(!) 10:07 PM Jan 14th via web in reply to Macker

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Remembering the outstanding music of Teddy Pendergrass (z"l) - 9:55 PM Jan 14th via TimesPeople

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Was asked for advice on the right combo of personal & biz observations in Twitter. This happened at work -- so how to classify this tweet? 2:33 PM Jan 14th via web

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Calling in to an all-hands meeting. 8:01 AM Jan 14th via web

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Feeling chagrined that I hadn't yet tweeted on Haiti, since I always wish that more people showed visible sympathy to my people's struggles. 9:28 PM Jan 13th via web

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"The Good Wife" is in front of me, and next to me -- just not yet legally. 9:08 PM Jan 13th via web

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@NCLRights Thanks for your recent tweets. Makes me glad I alotted my United Way contribution to NCLR. 9:01 PM Jan 13th via web in reply to NCLRights

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We're watching that Emotions mini-series on PBS. It's so good...but need to sleep if I'm to wake up in time for a swim in the a.m. 10:13 PM Jan 12th via web

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Today's among the especially fun days: asked to be a panelist on learning in 3D Internet spaces & am in the thick of co-designing a pilot. 6:22 PM Jan 11th via web

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@epc Very sad in our home right now. Pat's from Green Bay. 8:03 PM Jan 10th via web in reply to epc

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The Children of Cyberspace: Old Fogies by Their 20s - - discussion of real and virtual friends and more compelled me. 11:52 AM Jan 10th via TimesPeople

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@amanda_vpscott I connected them via friendfeed, but can't remember how for the life of me! 7:21 PM Jan 9th via web in reply to amanda_vpscott

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@katebornstein Last night, I dreamed my family pet population was increased by 250%. Pat added three, new cats and two dogs as a surprise. 5:11 PM Jan 9th via web in reply to katebornstein

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@zy1125 "It Takes Two to Make a Thing Go Right!" 5:08 PM Jan 9th via web in reply to zy1125

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@fjania There's a "Questions for Michael Cera" column in the Sunday NYT, but it doesn't appear to be online yet. Let us know how the film is 5:08 PM Jan 9th via web

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All weekend, I will be a football widow. 4:59 PM Jan 9th via web

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Uh, oh. Made too much work-magic last night and it's still swirling around. Want to make some Shabbat/Sabbath-magic asap. 5:34 PM Jan 8th via web

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Gonna make some work-magic happen tonight. How's that for psyching myself up for a second wind? Have to be in touch w/some AP colleagues. 7:57 PM Jan 7th via web

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Didn't read the author's books, but liked Ariel Levy's 9:58 PM Jan 6th via web

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@roonoid Oh, maybe your prior tweet re: Google inspired your diversity=good comment. 6:11 PM Jan 5th via web in reply to roonoid

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@roonoid What inspired this declaration? I agree, but wondered specifically. 6:10 PM Jan 5th via web in reply to roonoid

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Driving from Armonk home to my loving family: Pat, Phoebe and Toonces. 6:09 PM Jan 5th via web

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Going to meet friends for a creative jam. 6:26 PM Jan 4th via web

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@blm849 Have you seen, too? A friend told me about it and your tweet reminds me to check it out myself. Going there now.... 7:20 PM Jan 3rd via web in reply to blm849

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Thinking about discipline: The more I demonstrate, the more present I am. 2:50 PM Jan 3rd via web

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"A Single Man" seemed to be [spoiler alert:] the gay version of "High Art;" both featured May-September, disaffected, impossible pairs. 9:54 PM Jan 2nd via web

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Pat surprised me with a delicious dinner to make up for her monopolizing the TV for the Rose Bowl this eve. 6:59 PM Jan 1st via web

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I like how Twitter told me essentially what mattered to friends and me over the past year. It's fun to review the tweets -- theirs and mine. 11:41 AM Jan 1st via web

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Took a break from watching Kathy Griffin to watch a possum amble across our blue-moon-glowing, snowy backyard. 11:50 PM Dec 31st, 2009 via web

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Considering how to compare "Precious" and "Avatar" meaningfully: Mother Nature did not maintain balance for "P" compared w/for avatars. 6:19 PM Dec 31st, 2009 via web

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I keep hearing "Send in the Clowns;" it was part of the best musical I've seen since "Pippin." Why? Both had superhumanly-clever lyrics. 11:44 AM Dec 29th, 2009 via web

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Watching "Valkyrie" and missing the lighter fare of "The Understudy" ( from yesterday. 9:48 PM Dec 27th, 2009 via web

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Great carpet, and cute bunny. What's the bunny's name, I wonder. 9:29 PM Dec 27th, 2009 via TweetPhoto

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Just watched & now, we'll watch "Valkyrie" ( Weird combo. 8:24 PM Dec 27th, 2009 via web

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@MYIL1 Life would not be much fun without courage to act. 2:38 PM Dec 27th, 2009 via web in reply to MYIL1

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...and yes, I get the irony of my prior tweet -- that the oppressed don't always have bathtubs, let alone literacy. 2:37 PM Dec 27th, 2009 via web

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Taking Freire's *Pedagogy of the Oppressed* with me into the bathtub. I hope my friend Zdravko will be happy that I'm finally reading it. 2:33 PM Dec 27th, 2009 via web

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Reading the Sunday NYT to kill time till the pool's less busy. Pat and I will go swimming and then to the steam room pretty soon. 8:37 AM Dec 27th, 2009 via web

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Waiting for my mom to awaken from her nap, so that Pat, she and I can go swimming, to the diner, to a movie and then an Indian restaurant. 11:06 AM Dec 25th, 2009 via web

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Celebrating my vacation, which will last till 4 January, and recognizing my good fortune at having employment from which to take a vacation. 5:08 PM Dec 23rd, 2009 via web

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Taking Pat out to dinner this eve. We're overdue for a date-night. 4:01 PM Dec 22nd, 2009 via web

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Watching the Jackson 5 documentary and thinking about the Jon Bon Jovi interview I heard earlier on NPR. It takes a lot to put on a show. 10:14 PM Dec 21st, 2009 via web

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@subdigit Happy that this is the shortest day of the year and then we get brighter again daily...or at least, our days do. 12:01 PM Dec 21st, 2009 via web in reply to subdigit

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Taking a break to marvel at this: A favorite song, rollerskating babies. What could be better? 10:36 AM Dec 21st, 2009 via web

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@nytimes Not if you've got cross-country skis! 3:42 PM Dec 20th, 2009 via web in reply to nytimes

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@aaronjuliuskim I love that museum. My dad took me when I was young and I was lucky to visit it again during a biz trip in the late-90s. 3:41 PM Dec 20th, 2009 via web in reply to aaronjuliuskim

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Blazed a trail while X-country skiing along Yantacaw Brook just now; trail-blazing v. following a set track is harder -- just like in life. 3:40 PM Dec 20th, 2009 via web

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Saw on Twitter that actor Brittney Murphey died earlier today. We loved her in "The Dead Girl" ( 3:38 PM Dec 20th, 2009 via web

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Enjoying "New Yorker" cartoons & feeling grateful that Pat used our giant "Snow Commander" to clear the driveway as I read cozily indoors. 11:20 AM Dec 20th, 2009 via web

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Glad to have ventured out pre-storm for a NYC play w/friends Helen & Sarah and then out to dinner in Montclair, and equally glad to be home. 8:37 PM Dec 19th, 2009 via web

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Now, we're watching "Funny People." I'd like to see the version that tells women comics' stories. 8:34 PM Dec 18th, 2009 via web

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Watching "The Other Man" with Pat, featuring one of my fave actors, Laura Linney. It's an end-of-Chanukah, home-made film fest. 6:54 PM Dec 18th, 2009 via web

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@davidsinger After 17 years of playing golf 1-3 times a year, I'm a good beginner. 6:47 PM Dec 18th, 2009 via web in reply to davidsinger

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@andypiper I remember Borders when it was just a single, stand-alone bookstore in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where I went to undergrad. I loved it 6:44 PM Dec 18th, 2009 via web in reply to andypiper

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Looking forward to getting beyond December 21st, the darkest day of the year. 9:35 PM Dec 17th, 2009 via web

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Feeling hungry for sleep, but not starving. 9:50 PM Dec 16th, 2009 via web

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Missing Pat and the kitties. Figured best to stay at work to finish my project. I might not have a second wind if I take it home with me. 6:22 PM Dec 15th, 2009 via web

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Thinking of how one's comfort w/colleagues from abroad doesn't necessarily signal cultural intelligence; one could be comfortably ignorant. 9:14 PM Dec 14th, 2009 via web

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@jessicahalem I don't know what to suggest on Pay-per-view, but somehow, see "Snow Cake," "The Visitor," or "Little Miss Sunshine." 9:21 PM Dec 12th, 2009 via web in reply to jessicahalem

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Loving Pat for loving trees. We're watching TV now and Pat exclaimed during an outdoor funeral scene, "Hey, there's a Zelkova serrata!" 8:49 PM Dec 12th, 2009 via web

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Looking forward to my childhood friend Sarah's daughter's Bat Mitzvah. I recall the 2 of us then. I hardly practiced for mine and it showed. 10:12 PM Dec 11th, 2009 via web

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Reflecting that Julianne Moore is even lovelier with a British accent; we're watching her in "The End of the Affair." 9:47 PM Dec 10th, 2009 via web

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@sparklingwit Great presentation, Chris. Thanks for representing! 4:03 PM Dec 9th, 2009 via web in reply to sparklingwit

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Feeling relieved and anti-climactic about the weather not being as fierce locally as expected. 4:00 PM Dec 9th, 2009 via web

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@katebornstein Chanukah - My mom used to make latkes by flattening cooked Tater Tots with a fork. Really. 9:33 PM Dec 8th, 2009 via web in reply to katebornstein

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It's my turn to pick a play for Pat and me to see ( Sounds sad, but mostly good. 9:22 PM Dec 8th, 2009 via web

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@subdigit In my experience, you have enough brains for any design! 8:54 PM Dec 8th, 2009 via web in reply to subdigit

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Watching the Packers-Ravens game...."What I did for love." (Pat's from Green Bay.) Go Pack, go! 9:34 PM Dec 7th, 2009 via web

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Enjoyed my afternoon and evening w/childhood and now adulthood friend Amy. Who knew the Meadowlands featured a redwood-stump-filled bog? 10:36 PM Dec 6th, 2009 via web

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Pat and I are going swimming. Hope there's not too much pool-traffic. 8:55 AM Dec 6th, 2009 via web

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Wishing for creative inspiration. 6:33 PM Dec 5th, 2009 via web

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Feeling happy: The periodontist concluded that Pat's tooth-gum maladies are basically harmless, and reasonably treatable. 11:34 AM Dec 5th, 2009 via web

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Having a shabbat shalom & allowing myself a guilty pleasure: reading "People" magazine; couldn't resist it when we picked up photos at CVS. 8:31 PM Dec 4th, 2009 via web

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I might blog for a little bit and then Pat and I will watch "Glee" for the first time (we DVR'ed it). 8:19 PM Dec 3rd, 2009 via web

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Riding the rollercoaster of NY's initial same-sex marriage rejection & Meredith Baxter's welcome announcement -- a morale buster & booster. 9:50 PM Dec 2nd, 2009 via web

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#breakaway: 12:43 PM Dec 2nd, 2009 via web

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Finally, on my vacation's last day, I'm feeling as languorous as our least until I have to head out to class this afternoon. 12:15 PM Nov 30th, 2009 via web

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Celebrating my sister Kayla's 50th birthday w/her at a Korean spa. It's especially meaningful, as she survived breast cancer 3 years ago. 10:47 AM Nov 29th, 2009 via web

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Enjoying our return home to our kitties. Phoebe's napping in my lap right now and Toonces was earlier. 6:37 PM Nov 28th, 2009 via web

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Thinking about a tubercular cow that killed most of Pat's grandfather's family; learned of it when I mentioned NPR's Nat'l Day of Listening. 12:52 PM Nov 27th, 2009 via web

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Chose school-reading over the "fun" stuff and am done. Now reading Etgar Keret's short stories and if Salvador Dali had written fiction.... 11:22 AM Nov 26th, 2009 via web

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@pixelq I am Pat's sous chef. 11:18 AM Nov 26th, 2009 via web in reply to pixelq

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Oz's novel; Keret's stories; Brooks' *People of the Book* or school reading: Trying to decide which to read during my post-elliptical bath. 11:39 AM Nov 25th, 2009 via web

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Having dinner out this eve with Pat's mom, Pat's brother Jim and Pat. This week's "New Yorker" has raised my consciousness about dining out. 5:30 PM Nov 24th, 2009 via web

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Watching Masterpiece Contemporary's "Collision." 8:55 PM Nov 23rd, 2009 via web

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Printing out my research design paper draft for Intro. to Research Methods in Education course before we head out for T'giving vacation. 2:38 PM Nov 23rd, 2009 via web

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Smiling at having been at Union Theo. Seminary, St. John the Divine in NYC, Zabar's & Jewish Museum all in one day with our friend Chitra. 11:42 PM Nov 22nd, 2009 via web

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Hosting our friend Chitra and celebrating my mom's birthday later today. Chitra wonders: Will our family compare to Harold Robbins' books'? 7:55 AM Nov 21st, 2009 via web

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Taking my mom out for dinner to celebrate her 84th birthday. 5:02 PM Nov 20th, 2009 via web

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Thinking of last night's dream: Rollerblading near a DC embassy; suddenly, a white missile sped by and landed by a brown Jeep w/2 men in it. 9:36 PM Nov 17th, 2009 via web

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Considering qualitative vs.quantitative research. Pat's 50-page lab report w/pix is more interesting than reading narrative. 8:20 PM Nov 16th, 2009 via web

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Wishing that the leaf-raking that Pat and I did this morning had not resulted in a burning blister at the base of my left thumb. 10:01 PM Nov 15th, 2009 via web

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Wondering how ringtone-spam was sent from me to Twitter followers. Oy! Sorry if I [unwittingly] spammed you. Changed my password just now. 9:58 PM Nov 15th, 2009 via web

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@davidsinger I read the article to my mom over lunch today. We found it hilarious, too. 9:58 PM Nov 14th, 2009 via web in reply to davidsinger

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Still thinking about a childhood friend's distinction between brilliance vs. complexity/depth/wisdom. She made it over dinner in Rye earlier 9:54 PM Nov 14th, 2009 via web

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Ending my work-week refreshingly early. 5:15 PM Nov 13th, 2009 via web

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Reading about Rev. Sandra Turnbull, a Pentacostal pastor who's openly lesbian. Here's to human variety. God bless her. 7:27 PM Nov 12th, 2009 via web

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Heading to Stamford to visit my mom; she heads to rehab for her sternum tomorrow. Why am I thinking of Amy Winehouse's pop hit now? Absurd! 3:34 PM Nov 11th, 2009 via web

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Thanking God for what's going well. 5:37 PM Nov 10th, 2009 via web

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Praying for healing for Pat's flaming-red gums -- not gum disease; they're biopsy-ing -- and for my mother's cracked sternum from her crash. 10:38 PM Nov 9th, 2009 via web

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Wondering how long it will take for the maple tree in our front yard to drop all of its leaves. 10:44 AM Nov 8th, 2009 via web

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Thinking it was no coincidence that a friend said the spiritual thing I needed to hear as we passed my dad's (z"l) NYC office on 23rd & 5th. 5:10 PM Nov 7th, 2009 via web

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Getting ready to have dinner with a friend from far away. 6:38 PM Nov 6th, 2009 via web

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Wondering why my tweets aren't being Friend-Fed over to Facebook....If you see this status there, then it's working again. 6:21 PM Nov 5th, 2009 via web

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Enjoyed my avatar's first interview in Second Life. 3:02 PM Nov 5th, 2009 via web

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Looking forward to my avatar's first interview, in Second Life, later today. 7:47 AM Nov 5th, 2009 via web

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Hoping for a creative day. 6:53 AM Nov 5th, 2009 via web

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Realizing I jumped the gun. Saw, "Republicans sweep..." VA and assumed it was all done. Just shows that I need to read more than headlines. 9:07 PM Nov 3rd, 2009 via web

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Feeling unhappy with the news headline about elections in VA. Our friend Cynthia was running; Virginians had incorrect taste. 9:01 PM Nov 3rd, 2009 via web

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Wondering how to sum up my year's accomplishments (so far) succinctly for my input into my annual review. 6:11 PM Nov 3rd, 2009 via web

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Smiling at having caught up with my friend college-friend Cathy. 9:33 PM Nov 2nd, 2009 via web

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Celebrating the completion of my lit. review and hoping my friend Saydi's able to do the same shortly. 7:48 PM Nov 1st, 2009 via web

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@fjania What fun. Pat and I had a beautiful time there several years ago, shell-burn from the toppling surf and all. Enjoy! 7:47 PM Nov 1st, 2009 via web in reply to fjania

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Cat-petting and research-writing. 7:14 AM Nov 1st, 2009 via web

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I recommend @SarahSiegel for @shornik's SecondLife list on Listorious since she is helping IBM mgrs. learn in SL. 12:31 PM Oct 31st, 2009 via Listorious

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Writing a literature review on cultural intelligence and perspective-taking possibilities in Virtual World environments like Second Life. 11:29 AM Oct 31st, 2009 via web

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Watching Pat at the Presby Iris Gardens ( -- placing pumpkins by flower-beds. 2:07 PM Oct 30th, 2009 via web

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@viewmagazine Just saw your good clip of Chinese Comms. students, talking about the Internet's 3D future. Saw it in Google's take comments. 9:59 AM Oct 30th, 2009 via web in reply to viewmagazine

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@kathy_hull *The Inheritance of Loss* was compelling. 10:18 PM Oct 29th, 2009 via web in reply to kathy_hull

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Noticing how pretty leopards are (on film). 10:12 PM Oct 29th, 2009 via web

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Thinking about one of the top movies I've ever seen, "Snow Cake," about human fragility and spirit. Pat and I watched it last night. 8:11 AM Oct 29th, 2009 via web

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Delaying swimming gratification to meet a work-deadline. 7:28 AM Oct 27th, 2009 via web

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Trying to find my Geocities page. I cannot even recall where in Soho it was. Any tips on how to locate it? #geocities 8:52 PM Oct 25th, 2009 via web

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Looking up plantar fascitis for Pat and marveling that Toonces let me squeeze her back-paw-pads earlier, just 'cause they're so cute. 9:59 PM Oct 24th, 2009 via web

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Wondering which shampoo would make my hair less swimming-ish. 9:18 PM Oct 23rd, 2009 via web

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Feeling unburdened through blogging. 8:29 PM Oct 22nd, 2009 via web

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@blm849 Our niece Zoe goes to LaGuardia Arts in NYC. She loves it. Good luck re: its Toronto counterpart. 9:11 PM Oct 21st, 2009 via web in reply to blm849

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@wkulhanek Mazel tov/congratulations, Wolfgang! 9:08 PM Oct 21st, 2009 via web in reply to wkulhanek

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Enjoying an escapist mood. 9:01 PM Oct 21st, 2009 via web

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Hoping this Virtual World stuff is going to be further adopted like the Web and GLBT marketing have been. I want to be an adoption agent. 9:25 PM Oct 20th, 2009 via web

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Thinking that I could never be a spy; we're watching "Duplicity." 9:38 PM Oct 18th, 2009 via web

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Contemplating further empowering my power. Suggestions are welcome from your experience with avoiding over-modesty and arrogance -- both. 10:59 PM Oct 17th, 2009 via web

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Procrastinating, rather than working on my literature review, but no more! I'm committing publicly: Gonna go back to it now. 11:55 AM Oct 17th, 2009 via web

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Thinking that I'm usually feeling or wondering. 9:53 PM Oct 16th, 2009 via web

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@SandraBernhard Shabbat shalom. 9:38 PM Oct 16th, 2009 via web in reply to SandraBernhard

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Replaying my morning-swim in my head; it won't count as additional exercise, I know. 10:55 AM Oct 16th, 2009 via web

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Watching "Dancing at Lughnasa." Culture-shock can be powerful, and Ireland in the '30s can be grim. And companionless sisters, complex/sad. 8:48 PM Oct 15th, 2009 via web

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Thinking about how I'm not a country GM-aspirant, but how I played one for an instructional video earlier today. 10:11 PM Oct 14th, 2009 via web

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Humming the tune, "Windy...." Everyone knows, it's Windy.... 5:00 PM Oct 13th, 2009 via web

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Thinking about the snail-mail exchange in "Mad Men" icw today's WSJ article, "Why Email No Longer Rules..." Neither's fast enough any longer 9:10 PM Oct 12th, 2009 via web

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Wishing for full acknowledgment of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people's humanity. 12:40 PM Oct 11th, 2009 via web

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Trying to abstract an abstract, so that it becomes realistic, rather than abstract. 8:21 AM Oct 10th, 2009 via web

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Feeling grateful for friends and family that remind me not to take myself too seriously...especially Ron and Dawn! 3:20 PM Oct 9th, 2009 via web

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Feeling fatalistic and hopeful in parallel pardadoxically. 11:03 PM Oct 8th, 2009 via web

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Wondering if Second Life culture trumps national culture when people are communicating with one another in-world. 9:40 PM Oct 7th, 2009 via web

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@pixelq Now, who wouldn't want to buy a device that augmented reality? 9:27 PM Oct 7th, 2009 via web

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Feeling anticipatory; we're co-sponsoring IBM managers from CA, CN, DK, JP, UK and the US in a 3D global teaming event in Second Life soon. 8:47 PM Oct 6th, 2009 via web

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Hoping for a Packers victory. 9:31 PM Oct 5th, 2009 via web

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Recalling a great walk in the woods earlier today with my high-school friend Karol. The tree-canopies were so thick, we hardly felt the rain 10:15 PM Oct 3rd, 2009 via web

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Avoiding the NYT article on Anxiety; started it and it made me anxious. 9:10 AM Oct 3rd, 2009 via web

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Resting my brain with the new show, "The Good Wife." Julianna Margulies is appealing. 9:02 PM Oct 1st, 2009 via web

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Feeling imaginative and hoping that the feeling lasts for several more hours. 6:51 PM Sep 30th, 2009 via web

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Feeling that it's worth it to twist my neck and have my legs fall asleep in order to have a warm kitty on my lap while I tweet. 9:35 PM Sep 29th, 2009 via web

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@joandimicco Definitely a "meformer" 9:27 PM Sep 29th, 2009 via web in reply to joandimicco

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Feeling grateful for great family. 10:16 PM Sep 28th, 2009 via web

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Praying that I feel spiritual on schedule, and that the Packers win, so that Pat will not be preoccupied during Kol Nidre services. 4:02 PM Sep 27th, 2009 via web

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Coming inside after sitting on our deck's double-rocking seat with Pat till mid-dusk. 6:38 PM Sep 26th, 2009 via web

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Aching to be on the road, on my way home from work, and I will be shortly. Great, but looooooong day! 8:00 PM Sep 25th, 2009 via web

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Watching "Wendy and Lucy;" so far, am reminded of "The Killing of Sister George" -- maybe too much tragedy for a weeknight. 8:45 PM Sep 24th, 2009 via web

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Feeling like a brain in a chair...which was stimulating for the first nine hours.... 5:42 PM Sep 24th, 2009 via web

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Wondering if I'll swim at lunchtime. 7:49 AM Sep 24th, 2009 via web

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Looking forward to a second wind after dinner. 8:00 PM Sep 22nd, 2009 via web

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Finishing up a business plan draft. I believe its adoption -- or the adoption of something similar -- is just a question of when, not if. 10:59 PM Sep 21st, 2009 via web

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RE: @DiversityExec This sounds like a good book. I wonder how usable it is among colleagues who are based beyond the Un… 7:30 AM Sep 21st, 2009 via DISQUS

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Watching L. DiCaprio and K. Winslet in their version of "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" i.e., "Revolutionary Road." 8:41 PM Sep 20th, 2009 via web

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Looking forward to Rosh Hashanah. Happy Jewish New Year to anyone who's celebrating it! 12:27 PM Sep 18th, 2009 via web

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Watching TV. The most appealing fireman from "Rescue Me" is guest-starring in "Lie to Me." Pat & I agree he's a good actor. 9:12 PM Sep 17th, 2009 via web

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Prepping for the Smart Work Jam. You're invited; register: 9:20 PM Sep 15th, 2009 via web

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Feeling anticipatory. This semester's class on Research Methods in Education begins in 20ish minutes. 4:48 PM Sep 14th, 2009 via web

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@zy1125 I can give you a tour of Packertown anytime. I've been to the Hall of Fame and all over the Packer-centric city nearly 20 times. 11:02 PM Sep 13th, 2009 via web in reply to zy1125

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@blm849 SUVs don't do too well in the deep-end. 11:00 PM Sep 13th, 2009 via web in reply to blm849

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@bilwithonel Go Blue! 8:29 PM Sep 13th, 2009 via web in reply to bilwithonel

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@blm849 And my swim earlier today was celebrity-free, too. 8:28 PM Sep 13th, 2009 via web in reply to blm849

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Wondering what, "Patsh, patsh kikhelekh, der tate vet koyfn shikhelekh," means. It was a Yiddish lullaby my dad (z"l) used to sing to me. 2:30 PM Sep 13th, 2009 via web

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Realizing I shouldn't have read that Theroux story, though maybe his chilling culture-shock tales are informative...nah, just demoralizing. 7:12 PM Sep 12th, 2009 via web

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Should I keep reading the "The New Yorker's" Paul Theroux story? His *Elephanta Suite* was just about the most disturbing book I ever read. 9:25 PM Sep 10th, 2009 via web

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Watching Phoebe, the cat, staring at the front-yard Norway Maple tree from her window-perch. Does she agree that the breeze is lovely, too? 6:51 PM Sep 9th, 2009 via web

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Trying to ease back into work-mode from vacation-mode. Harder, and easier, than I expected. 4:20 PM Sep 8th, 2009 via web

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Just added myself to the IBM network on #comtweets 11:06 AM Sep 8th, 2009 via ComTweets

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Watching "Mad Men" and thanking God, again, that I'm an American woman in 2009, rather than in the 1960s. 9:11 PM Sep 7th, 2009 via web

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Preferring originality, but so far haven't found any formula for creating writing that is both original and popular. 5:52 PM Sep 6th, 2009 via web

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Back from Maine and Watching "Jumper" with Toonces, the kitty, sleeping on my lap. 4:38 PM Sep 5th, 2009 via web

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Just added myself as a fan of IBM: #comtweets 11:02 AM Sep 4th, 2009 via ComTweets

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Missing our cats Phoebe and Toonces. Thanks to our friend Alicia, they have gotten to remain in our home while we're in Maine till tomorrow. 11:01 AM Sep 4th, 2009 via web

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Feeling amused by this Kafka-Schulz mashup: /. Thx, NPR ( 3:58 PM Sep 3rd, 2009 via web

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Relishing Lorrie Moore's *A Gate at the Stairs* -- reminds me of how I feel when reading Flannery O'Connor...devastated and wildly amused. 7:38 PM Sep 2nd, 2009 via web

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Doing whatever I want; I'm on vacation. 1:32 PM Sep 1st, 2009 via web

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Wondering if there's a sound machine on the mkt w/realistic ocean waves, since Maine sea-front real estate currently is out of reach. 9:52 PM Aug 30th, 2009 via web

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Thinking of what I was like at age 11 -- vastly mature(!); we just celebrated our twin nephews' 11th birthday. 10:12 PM Aug 29th, 2009 via web

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Officially beginning my vacation. 7:12 PM Aug 28th, 2009 via web

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Thinking about myself as an artist;earlier, a brown-bag speaker said that all, including businesspeople, should see ourselves as artists. 8:31 PM Aug 27th, 2009 via web

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Thinking about automation vs. customization, convenience vs. soulfulness, consistency vs. charming -- or not -- quirkiness.... 6:48 PM Aug 26th, 2009 via web

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Feeling excited by social networking within the enterprise...about to lead a teleconference about it. 6:29 PM Aug 25th, 2009 via web

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Feeling relieved not to have been an early-60s working woman. 8:33 PM Aug 24th, 2009 via web

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Looking forward to reading a couple of new short stories. 9:06 PM Aug 23rd, 2009 via web

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Feeling amazed at the contrast of the Ernie Davis story w/the free eve Pat and I just hosted in our home, including friends Julie & Kathy 11:00 PM Aug 22nd, 2009 via web

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@chrisbishop How's your dog doing? Better, I hope. 9:14 PM Aug 21st, 2009 via web in reply to chrisbishop

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Thinking about the elaborate nail-job on the cashier at the grocery store compared to my own humble, no-fill nail-beds. 8:57 PM Aug 21st, 2009 via web

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Enjoying the roller-coaster. 7:24 PM Aug 20th, 2009 via web

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Hoping I get to swim tomorrow. 9:51 PM Aug 19th, 2009 via web

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Hoping I don't have a nightmare again that Phoebe, the cat, got out(side). 10:57 PM Aug 18th, 2009 via web

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@sachac Loved "The Shy Connector," especially #7. I am an extrovert, but I usually think that just means that I'm agressively shy. 10:55 PM Aug 18th, 2009 via web in reply to sachac

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Wishing I could prevent porn-purveyors and other randomly commercial types of people from following me on Twitter. 10:16 PM Aug 18th, 2009 via web

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About to join an online class on "Human Performance Improvement." 9:55 AM Aug 18th, 2009 via web

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Feeling good about getting back to my blog. 10:20 PM Aug 16th, 2009 via web

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Thinking about the Bloom Room and how lovely it was, along with the rest of Pat's and my visit to 1:28 PM Aug 16th, 2009 via web

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@chrisbishop Hope your dog's OK, Chris. I'll pray and think positive thoughts. 1:19 PM Aug 16th, 2009 via web in reply to chrisbishop

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Getting ready to tuck into a novel. 10:52 PM Aug 15th, 2009 via web

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Starting a rental-film marathon w/Pat: "Horsemen," "The Mysteries of Pittsburgh" (which I hope is as good as the book) and "Defiance." 4:15 PM Aug 15th, 2009 via web

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Watching the behind-the-scenes section of the DVD of "Hasodot"/"The Secrets." Ania Bukstein and Michal Shtamler are astonishing. I loved it 11:31 PM Aug 14th, 2009 via web

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Being a kitty-divan. 9:45 PM Aug 13th, 2009 via web

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Celebrating the end of the semester. Who'm I kidding? I'm addicted to learning. 10:44 PM Aug 12th, 2009 via web

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Smiling, thinking of my mom's and my great dinner conversation...mother and daughter -- such a turbulent, wild, funny, loving history. 9:58 PM Aug 11th, 2009 via web

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@ethanmcc Mazel tov! What did you master? 9:27 PM Aug 11th, 2009 via web in reply to ethanmcc

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@davidsinger Is your Twitter photo usually lightning-hued? 10:09 PM Aug 10th, 2009 via web in reply to davidsinger

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Celebrating Kurtis Blow's birthday season. 10:06 PM Aug 10th, 2009 via web

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Reading. 10:25 PM Aug 9th, 2009 via web

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Trying to get in the mood to write 2 papers for school, both on how adults learn; cool subject, and I chose this MA path, I need to recall. 3:28 PM Aug 8th, 2009 via web

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Considering Yiddish expressions my mom uses, e.g., "Macht nisht visendik(sp?)"/"Act like you don't know what's going on." 10:34 PM Aug 7th, 2009 via web

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Finding inspiration; thanks to all who reminded me of what's inspirational around me, and for Riva Lehrer's emerging self-portrait with pet. 8:13 AM Aug 7th, 2009 via web

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Wishing for inspiration. 10:46 PM Aug 6th, 2009 via web

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Marveling at the moon. 9:53 PM Aug 5th, 2009 via web

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Smiling while recalling the costumed toddlers I saw as I left the YM-YWHA pool today; "It's Purim in August at the camp," said their mom. 9:17 AM Aug 4th, 2009 via web

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Appreciating what's delicious in my life: love/family/friends, creativity, music, swimming, community, self-expression, laughter.... 6:26 PM Aug 3rd, 2009 via web

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@sparklingwit Happy Birthday Season, Chris! 6:22 PM Aug 3rd, 2009 via web in reply to sparklingwit

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Kvetching to Pat about the weekend being over. 10:26 PM Aug 2nd, 2009 via web

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Feeling grateful that my oldest sister Deb's spinal surgery was successful, and that my middle sister's drash at her shul was inspirational. 9:37 PM Aug 1st, 2009 via web

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Getting ready to go out to dinner with my partner Pat; we're celebrating our 17th anniversary today! 5:45 PM Jul 31st, 2009 via web

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Needing fresh air. 7:01 PM Jul 30th, 2009 via web

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Still feeling good from my swim this morning, no matter the guy in the other lane, who kept creeping over. 11:13 PM Jul 28th, 2009 via web

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Recovering from taking the cats to the vet for their annual shots. They're fine, happily, though they cried during the ride both ways. 9:48 PM Jul 27th, 2009 via web

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Considering Markus' and Nurius' "Possible Selves" for school: hoped-for and dreaded possible selves. Thinking of my version of each now. 4:49 PM Jul 25th, 2009 via web

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Feeling sad: E. Lynn Harris, black, gay writer and IBM alumnus, died ( ) 6:15 PM Jul 24th, 2009 via web

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Wondering what people think of when they think of cultural intelligence and/or cultural adaptability. 6:06 PM Jul 23rd, 2009 via web

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Weighing: Blog? Read for school? Watch (more) TV? Read Ariel Schrag's *Likewise* till it wakes me with a thump on my chest? A happy dilemma 9:53 PM Jul 21st, 2009 via web

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@subdigit I think it's a great idea to expand to external participants! 7:11 PM Jul 20th, 2009 via web in reply to subdigit

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Feeling moved by Pat's work-ethic; she's mowing our lawn after her huge work-day at 7:10 PM Jul 20th, 2009 via web

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Recalling another serendipitous mtg. with my other sister and bro-in-law, who stopped by on the way back from visiting our nephews at camp. 8:36 PM Jul 19th, 2009 via web

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@ethanmcc Welcome back! 7:30 AM Jul 19th, 2009 via web in reply to ethanmcc

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Getting an early start on writing my first paper for this semester's course, "How Adults Learn." 7:29 AM Jul 19th, 2009 via web

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Listening to Raphael Saadiq's "Let's Take a Walk." I would listen to him sing anything. 10:02 PM Jul 18th, 2009 via web

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Celebrating serendipity. Got to have dinner with my middle sister, Elliot and Zach unexpectedly; she was in my work 'hood for a conference. 10:15 PM Jul 17th, 2009 via web

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Amending my prior tweet: I produced, and *then* consumed re: my blog. 9:45 PM Jul 16th, 2009 via web

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Feeling sated from tucking into my macro-blog. 9:43 PM Jul 16th, 2009 via web

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Wondering what would have been different if my sorority rushing had succeeded; a black, lesbian, contemporary's experience reminded me.... 11:00 PM Jul 15th, 2009 via web

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@epc "Amadeus" is among my very favorite ['80s] songs. Thanks for the Falco memory! 9:31 PM Jul 14th, 2009 via web in reply to epc

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Wondering what a person's Second Life name tells anyone about them; mine is Katzenelenbogen Koolhoven. 9:28 PM Jul 14th, 2009 via web

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Watching guilty-pleasure TV shows (a dead diva & army wives) with Pat post-dinner out. Taking the night off from studying how adults learn. 9:31 PM Jul 13th, 2009 via web

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@pixelq Thanks, Suzy! 9:16 PM Jul 13th, 2009 via web in reply to pixelq

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Thinking about how much sweeter my birthday was today due to the nice wishes from so many, and looking forward to dinner out with Pat. 6:03 PM Jul 13th, 2009 via web

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Working at home with Toonces, the cat, lounging in the window -- Toonces, not me -- and then dinner out with Pat later -- me, not Toonces. 1:58 PM Jul 13th, 2009 via web

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"...Benjamin Button" inspired this blog-entry, , but that's about it. 7:44 PM Jul 12th, 2009 via web

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Gardening with Pat shortly. 9:43 AM Jul 12th, 2009 via web

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'laxing. 10:05 PM Jul 10th, 2009 via web

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Watching "Frost/Nixon" reminds me of the game my middle sister invented while in middle school, "Schmutz, the Game of Dirty Politics." 9:44 PM Jul 9th, 2009 via web

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Enjoying a vicarious thrill, watching one of our cats lounge languorously while I continue working (at home today). 7:15 PM Jul 9th, 2009 via web

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Skimming the NYT. 10:17 PM Jul 8th, 2009 via web

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Licking my teeth, just like I always do for the first couple of hours after my semi-annual teeth-cleaning dental app't. 10:20 AM Jul 7th, 2009 via web

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Feeling in disbelief that it's just Monday. 5:54 PM Jul 6th, 2009 via web

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Thinking about commonalities between my story and that of the "Sistah Outsider" author; read the article for my "How Adults Learn" course. 4:57 PM Jul 5th, 2009 via web

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Feeling relieved to have decoded the mystery. 7:52 PM Jul 4th, 2009 via web

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@andypiper I really liked that movie, too. We rented it several months ago. Neat to see Art Deco Shanghai come to life. 7:51 PM Jul 4th, 2009 via web in reply to andypiper

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Heading to a "mystery party" at the neighbors'. Hope it's demystified by the time we return home. 3:07 PM Jul 4th, 2009 via web

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Liking the longer days of our summertime. 7:02 PM Jul 3rd, 2009 via web

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Thinking how different my life is from that of a fictional firefighter. 10:46 PM Jul 2nd, 2009 via web

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Waiting to see how Bubbles, the chimp, is doing now. 10:29 PM Jul 1st, 2009 via web

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Feeling glad to have met cousins' new baby, David, aside from the circumstances -- at my uncle's shivah. Looking forward to more of David. 8:55 PM Jun 30th, 2009 via web

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Heading to the SF airport after breakfast w/Pat's high school friend Teri. Loved the parade yesterday, including the "Mikes on Bikes." 11:07 AM Jun 29th, 2009 via web

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Getting ready to meet our cousin to celebrate our pride, in SF this yr. Everyone knows someone who's gay, lesbian, bi or trans...or could. 11:13 AM Jun 28th, 2009 via web

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Thinking about life and death, and how lucky I am to have another day to enjoy. 10:49 AM Jun 27th, 2009 via web

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Thinking about Uncle Vevy, z"l. He was my dad's brother who passed away yesterday; he was the last of the three siblings to go. 4:06 PM Jun 25th, 2009 via web

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Feeling proud. 11:56 PM Jun 24th, 2009 via web

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# a minute. 8:37 PM Jun 23rd, 2009 via web

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Wishing I had gotten to speak with my friend Sarah Tauber live on her birthday instead of now trying to redeem myself here, celebrating her. 10:48 PM Jun 22nd, 2009 via web

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No longer waiting for Godot, though we were earlier today, along with Nathan Lane and others. 10:03 PM Jun 21st, 2009 via web

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Decompressing from writing about strangers for Intercultural Comms. "Rescue Me" and "The Closer" are doing the job. 9:41 PM Jun 20th, 2009 via web

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Thinking about Mayor Bloomberg's portrayal of NYC as a mixture compared to other cities, which he called mosaics - mixture, not melting-pot. 11:17 PM Jun 19th, 2009 via web

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Going 3D in RL, rather than 3D in SL: dinner in NYC w/Kathy & Julie, then Shabbat (Sabbath) services. Ahhh. 4:23 PM Jun 19th, 2009 via web

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Producing a podcast with Phoebe, the cat; she's a great production assistant. 11:30 PM Jun 18th, 2009 via web

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Thinking about our marginality and mattering exercise from Intercultural Comms. I wonder how often others feel marginal vs. that they matter 10:18 PM Jun 17th, 2009 via web

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Reminding myself that I'm 3-D even though having worked at home today till now, I've been exclusively text and voice. 7:44 PM Jun 16th, 2009 via web

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Pretending I'm that I don't notice how late it is, as much. 1:14 AM Jun 16th, 2009 via web

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Feeling surprised by the sun. 4:57 PM Jun 14th, 2009 via web

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Thinking about "Time Out New York," "Time Out Tel Aviv" and "Time Out Bangalore," and wishing for some more time out. 11:20 PM Jun 13th, 2009 via web

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Getting ready to go to our friends' two-year-olds twin daughters' birthday open-house. 2:40 PM Jun 13th, 2009 via web

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Wondering on which occasions others feel earnestness is justified; I have a low earnestness threshold the point of being droll. 8:22 PM Jun 11th, 2009 via web

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Wondering how smarmy I'll sound if I say I'm inspired by the managers who are doing peer-to-peer leadership development learning at IBM. 11:18 PM Jun 10th, 2009 via web

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Looking forward to another action-packed day -- sincerely. 8:42 AM Jun 10th, 2009 via web

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Watching a kitty, trying to get milk from a sweater that sits on the floor, doubling as a cat-comforter. 10:23 PM Jun 8th, 2009 via web

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Thinking about how poignant "My Life" by the Beatles sounded as my bro-in-law solo'ed among the Peace of Heart chorus in NYC this afternoon. 7:02 PM Jun 7th, 2009 via web

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Feeling impressed by Pat, who's sitting on her gardening bench by the garage, assembling the rototiller that arrived earlier this week. 11:13 AM Jun 6th, 2009 via web

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@hewitt36 Welcome! 5:02 PM Jun 4th, 2009 via web in reply to hewitt36

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Feeling glad that I swam this morning. It's such a sweet community and if only I swam nearly daily, probably, I'd be happy non-stop. 2:50 PM Jun 4th, 2009 via web

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@sparklingwit Excellent! Pls share the internal replay URL w/me when done, and thanks for your leadership...and what a lovely rep you are! 2:47 PM Jun 4th, 2009 via web in reply to sparklingwit

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Thinking that I'm spending more time in Second Life/OpenSim for work during these 2 weeks than altogether since my early debut in '06. Fun! 10:25 PM Jun 2nd, 2009 via web

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Heading to school, where we'll show our preferred learning styles based on the Kolb survey we completed; it's how we'll form small groups. 4:54 PM Jun 1st, 2009 via web

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Considering how yesterday's golf scramble helped me realize, in my case, the distinction between being an experienced, but not good, golfer. 5:29 PM May 31st, 2009 via web

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Wondering what revolution I'd lead if I really were a revolutionary leader. 7:40 AM May 29th, 2009 via web

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Wondering how to *want* to do at least as much seeking to understand as seeking to be understood. 7:45 AM May 28th, 2009 via web

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Reading re: intercultural communication for new class, starting tonight. How luxurious to be on vacation and be able to spend all day on it. 8:54 AM May 27th, 2009 via web

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Feeling delighted by our reunion with our kitties. We missed them during our trip to Florida. 4:11 PM May 26th, 2009 via web

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Feeling grateful for armed-services' people's sacrifices for my freedom. 1:24 PM May 25th, 2009 via web

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Reading *The Spirit Catches You...A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures* about an intercultural calamity. 10:39 PM May 24th, 2009 via web

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Treasuring the experience we had this afternoon, kayaking among mangroves, flying fish and manatees that never surfaced near the Gulf of MX. 6:43 PM May 24th, 2009 via web

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Living our dream of pool-immersion, if not pool-side lounging -- had ~20 minutes before the thunder-storm started -- my sarong is under-used 1:39 PM May 23rd, 2009 via web

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Watching "Ellen" and I love her haircut. Her Tulane remarks made me laugh and cry. 4:30 PM May 22nd, 2009 via web

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Dreaming of being pool-side, pool-immersed and pool-side again. 12:59 AM May 22nd, 2009 via web

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Smiling, thinking of two classmates we celebrated last night, who studied full-time and so who graduated from our program yesterday. 8:57 AM May 21st, 2009 via web

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Relaxing for a moment before I will a second-wind my way. 6:02 PM May 19th, 2009 via web

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Morphing into my avatar, Katzenelenbogen Koolhoven, for the next hour, as part of a pilot for work. 12:55 PM May 18th, 2009 via web

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Hoping that my stretched brain-muscles don't hurt tomorrow the way my body-muscles ache today from yesterday's long rollerblading jaunt. 10:30 PM May 17th, 2009 via web

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Expecting, God willing, a creative day. 8:26 AM May 17th, 2009 via web

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Rollerblading for transportation. Much more fun than driving! 8:52 AM May 16th, 2009 via web

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Marvelling at Pat's acc't. of her 1st Second Life experience: "No one paid att'n. to me....I had pig-tails, and wore chain-mail and capris." 11:34 PM May 14th, 2009 via web

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Reflecting on what a long time it has been since I've been on a go-no-go call...probably nearly a decade, till 10 pm tonight...We went! 10:42 PM May 14th, 2009 via web

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Micro-living and macro-working, micro-blogging and macro-business-writing, micro-sleeping...till vacation by Friday of next week.... 6:35 PM May 13th, 2009 via web

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Watching a little, baby-spider, crawling across my office-wall; it is reminding me of my humanity. 5:39 PM May 12th, 2009 via web

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From NYT today: "People telling the truth tend to add 20 to 30 percent more external detail than do those who are lying." Verbose, unite! 7:02 PM May 11th, 2009 via web

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Feeling grateful that I have a mother who is still alive to be celebrated -- feeling it more so today even than yesterday. 1:49 PM May 11th, 2009 via web

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@andypiper Just read Larry Page's msg. to U-M Class of '09; Google came to him in a dream & he said the wildest ideas are the most feasible. 1:47 PM May 11th, 2009 via web in reply to andypiper

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Mothering cats. 6:43 PM May 10th, 2009 via web

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Going for a walk in the gray-sky, bright-green-land morning with our friend Cynthia who's up from Charlottesville. 11:27 AM May 9th, 2009 via web

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Wondering, what if I woke up & everything virtual were actual, & everything actual were virtual? My actual shoes are comfier, for starters. 11:25 PM May 7th, 2009 via web

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Hearing how being an online community like being a purple martin landlord, by the manager of 10:32 AM May 7th, 2009 via web

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Hoping my avatar is graceful in my upcoming virtual-world-based business meeting. 8:20 AM May 6th, 2009 via web

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Reading the magazine of my undergrad alma mater, which arrived by classic mail today. Go Blue! 11:18 PM May 4th, 2009 via web

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Thinking about a friend's complaint that she doesn't tweet/create FB statuses, as she doesn't know what to say, and how that never stops me. 12:52 PM May 3rd, 2009 via web

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Waking up. Enjoying a fresh day. 6:41 AM May 3rd, 2009 via web

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Dreaming of dreaming, and getting ready to fulfill my dream of dreaming. 10:49 PM May 2nd, 2009 via web

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Deciding, for the rest of the eve, what would be most fun/relaxing/rewarding/rejuvenating/paradoxically shabbesdik. 6:41 PM May 1st, 2009 via web

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Wondering how psychic I am. 9:47 PM Apr 30th, 2009 via web

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Flouting my earlier tweet...but the end of April crept up on me and I needed to have at least as many macro-blog entries as in prior months. 10:57 PM Apr 29th, 2009 via web

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Leaving them wanting more. 6:16 PM Apr 29th, 2009 via web

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Hating having to re-boot for a security patch installation, but trying to keep it in perspective; I don't want critters in my computer. 3:37 PM Apr 29th, 2009 via web

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Admiring Bernie Michalik's musical taste displayed via Twitter. I loved Michelle Shocked back in the day (circa '88). And Jill Scott & EBTG. 10:09 PM Apr 28th, 2009 via web

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@blm849 Me, too. 10:04 PM Apr 28th, 2009 via web in reply to blm849

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@blm849 I love Jill Scott -- that song and "Golden" particularly. 10:04 PM Apr 28th, 2009 via web in reply to blm849

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Wishing the day were longer, but feeling glad for all it gave me. 9:27 PM Apr 27th, 2009 via web

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Feeling enriched by my weekend with my mom - she's visiting while Pat's in TN - including the Bruke show at the Neu Galerie; swimming.... 11:10 PM Apr 26th, 2009 via web

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Hosting a cat-nap. 7:11 AM Apr 25th, 2009 via web

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Looking forward to services tonight at CBST ( Taking my mom, who loves our congregation. 3:23 PM Apr 24th, 2009 via web

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Wondering if we'll get poured on if we take a walk now, and our two kitties are swirling -- trying to get fed early. 5:56 PM Apr 22nd, 2009 via web

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Missing my macroblog; this is the longest I've gone without posting since launching it in April, 2007. How to redeem myself? 7:57 PM Apr 21st, 2009 via web

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Feeling devastated by "Grey Gardens," the HBO version. Pat and I just watched it. God! (I know I'm behind -- never saw the documentary). 10:26 PM Apr 19th, 2009 via web

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Noticing the chartreuse-shade of the budding Norway Maple tree-leaves in our front-yard; the sunlight's making them even more so. 5:37 PM Apr 19th, 2009 via web

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Listening to the next-door brothers, jumping on their backyard trampoline and missing my 10-year-old, twin nephews, who have a tramp, too. 6:19 PM Apr 18th, 2009 via web

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In the after-glow of stealing time for a balmy walk w/Pat amid floral breezes. The glow now is that of a monitor showing school assignments. 9:14 PM Apr 17th, 2009 via web

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@lelone Sorry for throwing Pat off the computer nearly mid-message, but it's the one with the printer and I needed to print for school. 9:10 PM Apr 17th, 2009 via web in reply to lelone

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Going to the cherry fest this weekend and want it to feel timeless. 10:26 PM Apr 16th, 2009 via web

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Thinking of how in class tonight, we spoke of "timeless time," i.e., when we're so enjoyably active, we forget the time. I'm craving that. 10:23 PM Apr 16th, 2009 via web

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@bella0luna Missed you tonight, Maria. Hope all's well. 10:20 PM Apr 16th, 2009 via web in reply to hodek0maria

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Yesterday, I met a colleague who's in Shanghai and fluent in Mandarin, but who's learning Spanish. Today, I read 10:24 PM Apr 15th, 2009 via web

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Looking forward to being served up randomly delightful radio-music during my hour-long commute from Armonk to Montclair. 6:55 PM Apr 14th, 2009 via web

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Feeling certain that anything is possible. 10:17 PM Apr 13th, 2009 via web

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Marveling at the orange-ruffled centers of the white daffodils in our backyard; Pat showed them to me after our walk. 5:19 PM Apr 12th, 2009 via web

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Petting a curled-up kitty. J. Didion's book tells about -- spoiler alert -- daughter-loss; I'm so grateful for our time with these cat-kids. 5:36 PM Apr 11th, 2009 via web

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Wondering if I can get away w/submitting a paper of cobbled-together blog entries & tweets on the "time and learning" topic. Probably not. 1:38 PM Apr 11th, 2009 via web

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Loving "The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency." It's the anti-"Rescue Me." 9:39 PM Apr 10th, 2009 via web

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Thinking that for creative enterprises, personally, a sliver of time is preferable to an expanse of time. 10:23 AM Apr 10th, 2009 via web

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Thinking about freedom from slavery in Egypt so many years ago; winter; coats and scarves....Probably, our ancestors never wore them.... 10:57 AM Apr 9th, 2009 via web

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Reflecting on my rabbi's point that memory is healthy, but nostalgia, less so, e.g., why wonder if Omar Johnson was my 1987 colleague? 10:33 PM Apr 7th, 2009 via web

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Wondering if this message will make it to my Facebook status from Twitter, since my prior one did not. How disappointed I will be if not.... 10:24 PM Apr 7th, 2009 via web

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Wondering in which crevice of my sister's home to hide the Passover afikomen from our nephews and niece on Wed., and if they'll still care. 12:21 PM Apr 7th, 2009 via web

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Looking forward to a Dubai-based colleague's interview of a Richmond-based colleague on her learning from a recent assignment in Beijing. 10:59 AM Apr 6th, 2009 via web

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Feeling glad that Pat and I took a walk amidst sunshine & neighbors earlier. Thought of J. Didion's late husband while walking up Alexander. 8:34 PM Apr 5th, 2009 via web

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Gearing up to write a series of Time & Learning papers between now and course-end (mid-May). Probably, I'll need to blog more on it, too. 12:07 PM Apr 5th, 2009 via web

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Feeling young; on Sat., I'll be inducted into Kappa Delta Pi Education honor society; hasn't happened since Nat'l. Honor Society in SHS. 11:07 PM Apr 3rd, 2009 via web

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Thinking about technical leaders and how they do, and don't, differ from business leaders. 11:23 AM Apr 3rd, 2009 via web

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Working from home today and enjoying cat-in-the-window weather. 12:58 PM Apr 2nd, 2009 via web

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Really liking *Brand Bubble...* author's point that Maslow's lower levels are ideal for social media popularity, since they're more communal 11:37 AM Apr 1st, 2009 via web

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Shutting down and driving home to Pat and the kitties, and dinner. 7:32 PM Mar 31st, 2009 via web

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Getting in the mood to create a spreadsheet. 10:52 AM Mar 30th, 2009 via web

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Anticipating the poppy-red of the tulip, dark-lavender of the peony, pale-lilac of the iris and orange center of the daffodil in our garden. 4:31 PM Mar 28th, 2009 via web

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Stopping work for the eve -- later than I meant to on a Fri. Then dining out. Then lounging around and watching undemanding TV. 7:37 PM Mar 27th, 2009 via web

Saturday, March 13, 2010

"I Wonder How Veridical It Is..."

The postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent IBM's positions, strategies.

"You mean true?"

Three sessions ago, I began reading my 180-page, unpublished, coming-of-age memoir to my therapist. I've never enjoyed therapy so much.

She claims she's not bored and that it's like listening to a story about a child other than me -- I'm up to age 11 now. During this third reading, I did ask aloud, "Is this boring?"

"I'm not bored. I'm just wondering how veridical it is....There's factual history and there's narrative history. I mean, it's just so detailed. How could anyone remember all that?"

"Well, you know that my family has filled in some of the blanks, but my mother and I both have exquisite memories...."

"And I'm getting such a kick out of your love of rocks," she said, commenting on a focus of the section I read during that session.

"Yeah, it was fun for my friend Amy and me to be the only children who were members of the Stamford Mineralogical Society."

"The time your parents took you to the quarry -- you said that you didn't have enough time with your father, [since he died when I was 17] but you did have some special times with him."

Reading this memoir aloud is the best therapy I've ever had because it:

  • Helps me see the ways in which my family was present/attentive, growing up
  • Makes me laugh and/or smile about events that I don't recall in my daily life
  • Shows me how funny I am as a writer, but more so in how I've led my life since babyhood, e.g, when I was four and asked my mom to buy me a can of spinach to carry around, so I could pretend I was Popeye, and how disappointed I was that no one got it
  • Covers birth to age 30, and shows me what was most important to me during those formative years.
I'm privileged to pay a small fee for each therapy session, since my employer offers a co-pay, and it's so meaningful to revisit my earlier years with an expert guide.