
Friday, June 22, 2007

Well-wishers' Predictions, Reflections

The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions.

Great Quotes From the Week

"I know you will learn as much as you will inspire." -- a colleague I mentor

"You will learn more about yourself than about India. You will learn humility. Nothing happens in a linear way." -- a friend of a friend who lived there for a year while his partner was teaching at one of the universities

"Indian leadership is intellectual, very cognizant, cognitive...contemplative." -- Dr. Julia Sloan (author of Learning to Think Strategically); I was lucky to be introduced to her by my professor from last semester, Dr. Janet Youngblood, author of Learning Democratic Practices....; the three of us met at Teachers College on Monday for a great conversation!

I hope that you have a wonderful experience in India. I hope that you stay well, and that the work is productive and fulfilling for you. I hope that you are able to explore and savor the deep religious traditions in India. I hope that you gather a lifetime's worth of adventures and stories, all with happy endings.

I look forward to reading about your adventures on your blog(s)!
-- an EAGLE friend

"I loved India because of the people. They are polite, kind, intelligent, interested, not jaded, hospitable, non-judgmental." -- a friend of a friend who lived there for a year while teaching at one of the universities

His partner added: "...honest, open, warm, genuine, down-to-earth...." And: "The big cities make New York look like Nixon died and all of our flags are at half-mast -- like we're asleep compared...."

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