
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Meeting People from >Dozen Countries...

The postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent IBM's positions, strategies or opinions.

...Face-to-face, in two hours!

This evening, I interviewed 23 managers from 14 countries in 120 minutes. My colleague David, who shot the footage, and I turned it into a looping, 15-minute reel. The reel was designed to play twice during the 30 minutes prior to a presentation the managers and their colleagues from >31 countries were scheduled to attend in <6 hours.

I'm so exhausted, but so gratified.

My favorite part of the editing session was being reminded of when I worked on "The 10% Show" while it was on the air, from 1987-89. The camerapeople and I would sit at a console that was as wide as I am tall, turning knobs to edit through footage. Tonight, I sat at David's desk while he did all of the editing from a large computer monitor and some software that did what the knobs did, only faster.


Anonymous said...

2:30 am?
Good to see you on Sun.

Sarah Siegel said...

Yeah, well, it was for a fun cause.